Award Recipients
All students who received a 2024-2025 CSF scholarship MUST submit the required documentation HERE to receive your award.
Barrington Community Scholarship Fund Recipients for 2024-2025:
Frances Adams
The James K. McMillan & Myrtle R. McMillan Memorial Endowment for Scholarships
BHS Class of 1963 Scholarship Award
John Adams
The Snyder Family Memorial
Luzany Arnone
Dorothy M. and Victor Teixeira Memorial Scholarship
Pasquale Arnone
The Robert & Nancy Smith Memorial Award
William Arnone
Ella V. Quilty Endowment for Scholarship
Sarah Bourk
Lt. Jeffrey R. Scharver USMC Award
Patrick Cannon Memorial Award
Eva Brieger
George F. and Martha McLean Creamer Endowment for Scholarship
Dinis ba Diogo Carpin
CVS Charity Golf Classic Award
Daniel Coogan
BHS Class of 1962 40th Reunion Scholarship Award
Helena Defanti
Richard F. Paolino Memorial Scholarship
Sofia Defanti
Thomas J. and Roberta C. Coyne Endowment for Collegiate Scholarship
Sofia Denise
BHS Class of 2020 Scholarship
Isabel Denise
Barrington Times Holiday Greeting Page Award
Lily Deslaurier
Suzanne Lynne Reynhout Memorial Award
Lucy Devine
David Evans Lansinger Memorial Scholarship
Ata Dural
Charles E. Feeley Award
Ainsley Gasbarro
Scott H. Andrews Memorial Scholarship
John Hall Memorial Scholarship Award
Keegan Gasbarro
S. Martin Billet Memorial Scholarship
Genevieve Geiser
Ian D. & Kathryn I. Malcolm Memorial Endowment
Penelope Leicht
BHS Class of 1960 50th Reunion Scholarship Award
Emma Levin
Barrington Fire Fighters’ Union Local 1774 Award
Lucas Matthews
The Bill Sexton Memorial Scholarship Award
Trinity Matthews
Grady Family Endowment for Scholarship
Jaron Milman
CVS Charity Golf Classic Award
Charlie Misiurski
George F. and Martha McLean Creamer Endowment for Scholarship
Julia Mole
H. Bickford & Nancy B. Lang Endowment
Sofia Moran
NEA Barrington Award
Alex Muller
The Cashill Family Scholarship
Connor O’Neal
Nancy W. Jencks Founders Scholarship
William O’Neal
Chris Boone Scholarship
Madison Oldham
Barrington/Warren Rotary Club Award
Morgan Perry
Ann Cuthbertson Memorial Award
Charles Potter V
Albert D. Genetti Endowment
Shaye Robinson
Daniel Cole Memorial Scholarship
Grace Senechal
The Jean Buffum Memorial Fund
Laura Souza
Robert F. Reid Memorial Scholarship Award
Drew Texeira
John Ruggieri Memorial Scholarship Award
Noelle Texeira
The Barrington Woman’s Club Evelyn Coppell Award
Derek Weber
Barrington Boosters’ Award
Charles Whittaker
Barrington Garden Club Award
Sonie Zilian
Ella V. Quilty Endowment for Scholarship
All students also receive the Jacqueline Gage Sarles Memorial Scholarship.